Do you like making things for your home? Some interior elements are not really that hard to build and it is nice for once in a while to create something with your hands. Meanwhile some people like tackling much harder projects. Literally. One YouTube creator made a bathroom sink from a stone he found on a beach. He says that it was not so difficult and anyone could do that.
The Samurai Carpenter is a popular YouTube channel, devoted to DIY and woodworking projects. Many of them require lots of skill, which this man definitely has. Some other ones are a little bit simpler. According to him, carving a bathroom sink from a stone is one of those projects that is easy enough to do. On the other hand, some tools are required as well as time – he spent four hours carving his sink.
It was the first time this man has carved a sink and he was surprised how easy it was. He selected one stone from the beach by his tiny house and decided on the orientation of the sink. Then he took a laser level and drew a straight line one the side that will eventually become the bottom of the sink. This step is crucial, because sink has to sit flat on the surface to seal properly and look good.
Then he took a large circular saw with a diamond disk and cut a series of relief cuts to weaken the material. Some blows with a cold chisel and a hammer and the bottom of the sink was sufficiently flat. It was time to carve the bowl.
This seems to be a very difficult job, but he certainly made it look easy. He cut some relief cuts, this time plunging the saw rather than going across the surface, and used the same cheap cold chisel and a hammer to break out big chunks . This left a very uneven surface, but that is nothing that an angle grinder cannot fix. In total this took four hours. How much similar sink would cost in the store? Was it worth it? AT least for the sake of story and ability to brag that you carved your sink it definitely was.
The video, which has more than 4.3 million views
Of course, when you have your sink made, you will have to install it. The Samurai Carpenter used a diamond hole saw to drill out a hole for the drain and then carved a little spot so that it would sit flush with the bottom of the sink. After this was done and everything was tried and tested, it was time to put sink into its permanent location. Some sealing and it was done. You can see how for a moment he is overwhelmed by seeing his creation come to life as water is falling onto it for the first time.
Installing stone sink
You should definitely subscribe to The Samurai Carpenter channel if sometimes you are looking for inspiration. You probably will never carve a sink, but at least it can show you that you can and should try doing something you‘ve never done before. Results may be as nice as that granite sink