Scientists discovered a “nocebo effect” – atlhough it is all in the head, it...

You’ve definitely heard of famous placebo effect. It is a phenomenon, when people feel effects of the drug even though they are giving a...

An invention we use every day – who had the idea of brewing tea...

Pretty much without mistake we can be sure that everyone reading this article has drunk some tea made with a tea bag. It is...

What happened to this car? It is actually a pretty clever thing in Germany...

When did you learn how to drive? When did you get your driver’s license? If you live in Europe, it is likely that your...

The shortest scheduled flight in the world – how short is it and why...

How far do you go when you need to buy some groceries? Chances are that if you flew by plane, it still would not...

Highly satisfying videos will draw you into the art of woodworking (Video)

You would be surprised to see how big internet woodworking community is. Now if you want to start woodworking YouTube channel, you basically have...

Soviet ghost town with no radiation – post-apocalyptic adventure in Latvia

People love ghost towns. There is something about completely abandoned places that is so attractive to some people, regardless if some of these objects...

Bizarre and funny car commercials from the past: do you know how to treat...

Selling cars is not an easy business, unless you are making ultra-cheap Ford Model T’s and people keep buying them because everything else sucks...

What are those numbers on runways for? It turns out their purpose is rather...

There are some numbers and sometimes even letter at the beginning of every runway in the world – you might have noticed it while...

The one millionth Porsche 911 – how it was made (Video)

If you‘re a car enthusiast and someone asks you to name your 10 favourite sports cars, there is a high probability that the Porsche...

Who has the most stressful job and how do they learn to deal with...

Which job do you think involves the biggest amount of stress? Doctor? Police officer? No, it turns out, air traffic controllers have to go...

Can’t afford a Porsche 911? Now you can have its seat as an office...

What kind of chair is in your office? Is it important for you? Many people choose simple cheap office chairs and don’t even think...